import android.os.Bundleimport android.view.Viewimport : AppCompatActivity() {overridefunonCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)setContentView(R.layout.activity_main)findViewById<View>( {setUpCardScanHelper()launchCardScanActivity() } }privatefunlaunchCardScanActivity() { CardScanActivity.launch(// Pass an activity to the launcherthis@MainActivity,// A CardScanConfig instance to connect to the server and customize UICardScanConfig(// your token goes here sessionToken ="xxx", ),// And other optional parameters to alter behavior closeAfterSuccess =true, // Close the scanner after successful scan? // defaults to true closeAfterDelay =1500// If set to close automatically, // how long to wait after scan to close? In milliseconds ) }privatefunsetUpCardScanHelper() {// Helper class to setup observers and create the appropiate callbacks// CardScanHelper takes in a lifecycleOwner, // "this" in the case of setup within an activity,// or the host activity in the case of a fragment, or viewLifecycleOwner cardScanHelper =CardScanHelper(this).apply {onSuccess { card: ScannedCard -> Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Card Scanned: ${card.cardId}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }onError { error: CardError? -> Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Error encountered!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()print(error?.message) }onRetry { Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "User retried after failed scan!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }onCancel { Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "User closed the scanner with close button!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}onEligibilitySuccess { eligibility:Eligibility -> Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Eligibility info found!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() }onEligibilityError { eligibilityError:EligibilityError? -> Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Error during eligiblity check!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } }}
Available Properties
When launchingCardScanActivity, a CardScanConfig instance should be passed with properties for server connection and UI customization.
CardScanConfig(// Required sessionToken: token, live: false,// Optional backsideSupport: scanBackside, eligibility =EligibilityRequest( // We now support eligibility checks!Subscriber( firstName ="Subscriber's first name", lastName ="Subscriber's last name", dateOfBirth ="19020403"// Always in format YYYYMMDD ),Provider( firstName ="Provider's first name", lastName ="Provider's last name", npi ="12345677" ) )// UI Customization messages =CardScanMessages( autoCaptureTitle ="My Auto Capture Title", manualCaptureTitle ="My Manual Capture Title", processingTitle ="My Processing Title", frontSideCompletedTitle ="My FrontSide Completed Title", completedTitle ="My Completed Title", retryTitle ="Me Retry Title", errorTitle ="My Error Title", cameraErrorTitle ="My Camera Error Title" ) messageFontSize: messageFontSize, // Float messageTextColor: messageTextColor, // Int autoSwitchActiveColor: autoSwitchActiveColor, // Int autoSwitchInactiveColor: autoSwitchInactiveColor, // Int progressBarColor: progressBarColor, // Int widgetBackgroundColor: widgetBackgroundColor, // Int)
Main Props
Toggle the production or sandbox version. Default: false
Enable scanning of the front and back side of the card.
Default: false
Send an EligibilityRequest object with the properties shown above to perform an eligibility check.
UI/UX Customization Props
The card scanner view is designed to be customizable. Please see the Customization ⚙️ section of UI Components to adjust these elements to match your application's branding and theme:
Note: All UI/UX Props are optional
Customize the text displayed by the UI.
Set the size of the text displayed by the UI.
Set the color of the text displayed by the UI.
Set the background color of the text displayed by the UI.
Set the color of the auto scan switch.
Set the color of the disabled auto scan switch.
Set the color of the progress bars or bounding box that surrounds the card scanning area.
Set the main background color for the widget.
onSuccess Callback
onSuccess triggers when card scanning process completes successfully. This function receives the scanned card data as an argument.
To use the onSuccess callback, pass a function that receives the scanned card data to the onSuccess function in CardScanHelper:
In this example, the handleCardScanSuccess function logs the scanned card data to the console when the scanning process is completed successfully and your MainActivity or fragment resumes.
onError Callback
onError triggers after a failure occurs during the card scanning process. This function receives an error object as an argument.
Pass a function that receives the error object or implement your callback directly inside the helper:
In this example, the handleCardScanError logs the error object when a scanning failure occurs.
By using the onSuccess and onError callbacks, you can handle successful and failed scanning event with custom actions or display appropriate messages to the user.
onCancel and onRetry Callbacks
onCancel expects a function that will trigger after users cancel the card scanning process. This could be useful for tracking user behavior or displaying an appropriate message. onRetry expects a function that will trigger when your activity or fragment resumes, if the user had a retry of a scanning process.
privatefunsetUpCardScanHelper() { cardScanHelper =CardScanHelper(this).apply {onSuccess { card: ScannedCard ->handleCardScanSuccess(card) }onError { error: CardError? -> handleCardScanError(error) }onCancel {// Handle a user closing the scanner with the close button! }onRetry {// Triggered after the user retried a scan } } }
onEligibilitySuccess and onEligibilityError Callbacks
Both callbacks expect a function that will trigger in either case. onElibiligitySuccess callback will pass an Eligibility object and onEligibilityError will pas an EligibilityError object. Expect the same behavior as the other callbacks, this objects will be passed once your activity or fragment resumes.
privatefunsetUpCardScanHelper() { cardScanHelper =CardScanHelper(this).apply {onSuccess { card: ScannedCard ->handleCardScanSuccess(card) }onError { error: CardError? -> handleCardScanError(error) }onCancel {// Handle a user closing the scanner with the close button! }onRetry {// Triggered after the user retried a scan }onEligibilitySuccess { eligibility:Eligibility ->handleEligibilitySuccess(eligibility) }onEligibilityError { eligibilityError:EligibilityError? ->handleEligibilityError(eligibilityError) } } }