Flutter 🦅

Our CardScan Flutter widget makes it easy to add insurance card scanning to any Flutter application in 5 minutes or less.


Add the insurance_card_scanner package to your pubspec.yaml file.

    sdk: flutter
  insurance_card_scanner: ^0.3.0


Import the library widget into your project files:

import 'package:insurance_card_scanner/insurance_card_scanner.dart';

You can optionally add the API client for more custom applications.

import 'package:insurance_card_scanner/insurance_card_scanner_api.dart';

Basic Example

import 'package:insurance_card_scanner/insurance_card_scanner.dart';

class ScannerWidgetScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const ScannerWidgetScreen({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Scanner widget'),
      body: CardScanner(
        properties: CardScanConfig(
          sessionToken: '<pass your token here>',
          onSuccess: (card) {
            print('Scan success');
          onError: (message) {
            print(message ?? 'Unknown Scan error');
          onCancel: () {

Available Properties

Both CardScanner and CardScannerModal should be passed a CardScanConfig instance with properties for server connection, callback handling and UI customization.

  // Required
  sessionToken: token,
  live: false,
  onSuccess: onSuccess,

  // Recommended
  onCancel: onCancel,
  onError: onError,

  // Optional
  backsideSupport: scanBackside,
  onRetry: onRetry,

  // UI Customization
  messages: messages,
  messageStyle: messagesStyle,
  autoSwitchActiveColor: autoSwitchActiveColor,
  autoSwitchInactiveColor: autoSwitchInactiveColor,
  progressBarColor: progressBarColor,
  widgetBackgroundColor: widgetBackgroundColor,

Main Props

UI/UX Customization Props

The flutter widget is designed to be customizable. Please see the #customization section of UI Components to adjust these elements to match your application's branding and theme:

Customization ⚙️

Note: All UI/UX Props are optional

onSuccess Callback

The onSuccess callback allows you to execute a custom function when the card scanning process is completed successfully. This function receives the scanned card data as an argument.


To use the onSuccess callback, pass a function that receives the scanned card data:

void handleCardScanSuccess(Card card) {
  print('Card scanned successfully: $card');

  sessionToken: token,
  onSuccess: handleCardScanSuccess,

In this example, the handleCardScanSuccess function logs the scanned card data to the console when the scanning process is completed successfully.

onError Callback

The onError callback allows you to execute a custom function when there's a failure during the card scanning process. This function receives an error object as an argument.


To use the onError callback, pass a function that receives the error object:

void handleCardScanError(CardScanError error) {
  print('Scanning failed: $error');

  sessionToken: token,
  onSuccess: handleCardScanSuccess,
  onError: handleCardScanError,

In this example, the handleCardScanError function logs the error object to the console when a scanning failure occurs.

By using the onSuccess and onError callbacks, you can handle successful and failed scanning events, allowing you to implement custom actions or display appropriate messages to the user.

onCancel Callback

The onCancel callback enables you to execute a custom function when the user cancels the card scanning process. This can be useful for tracking user behavior, navigating to a different part of the application, or displaying an appropriate message.


To use the onCancel callback, pass a function that will be executed when the user cancels the scanning process:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:insurance_card_scanner/insurance_card_scanner.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  bool showCardScanWidget = true;

  void handleCardScanSuccess(Card card) {
    // Handle card scan success

  void handleCardScanError(CardScanError error) {
    // Handle card scan error

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Insurance Card Scanner'),
        body: showCardScanWidget
            ? CardScanner(
                sessionToken: token,
                onSuccess: handleCardScanSuccess,
                onError: handleCardScanError,
                onCancel: () => setState(() => showCardScanWidget = false),
            : Container(),

In this example, we initialize the showCardScanWidget state variable to true. Then, we conditionally render the CardScanner widget based on the value of showCardScanWidget. We then use the onCancel callback to set the showCardScanWidget state variable to false when the user cancels the scanning process.

onRetry Callback

The onRetry callback allows you to execute a custom function when a retry is triggered due to a scanning failure.


void handleRetry() {
  print('Retry triggered');

  sessionToken: token,
  onSuccess: handleCardScanSuccess,
  onRetry: handleRetry,

In this example, the handleRetry function logs the retry event to the console when a retry is triggered.

Camera Permissions 📸

Our SDK requires camera access to scan insurance cards. While the CardScan widget automatically requests camera permissions during widget load, it does not present any UI for handling permissions or manage permission failures, particularly on mobile devices.

Requirement: We require that developers handle camera permission requests before loading the CardScan widget. This will allow you to manage the permission flow consistently within your application, providing custom error handling and user feedback if permission is denied.

Recommendation: We recommend following best practices when requesting camera permissions:

  • Pre-flight the request:

    Within your app, prompt the user with a clear explanation of why camera access is needed and ask for confirmation (Yes/No). This improves transparency, builds trust, and can reduce the likelihood of the user denying the request.

  • Handle permission rejection gracefully:

    • Soft rejection (user-level): If the user declines the camera access within your app, provide a helpful message that explains the impact of this choice and give them the option to reconsider later.

    • Hard rejection (system-level): In case the user has previously denied the camera permission at the system level, guide them to the device settings where they can manually enable the camera access. Display an appropriate message explaining how to do this and the importance of enabling the permission for the app's functionality.

For Flutter applications, we recommend using the permission_handler package to manage camera permissions effectively.

Last updated